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Felting needle
Size medium (#38)
Total 3 needles
Great for all felting need
Work very fast and easy felt


The pen style needle felting tool allows application of small or delicate materials using one, two, or three needles. The tool can be adjusted to two length of needle sizes that can be used with the needle felting molds (sold separately) for creating 3-dimensional design and appliqué. The handle offers Ease of use because of the -inch pen style-inch grip action. easy replacement of thick and thin needles.

This felting needle is very sharp.
Keep Away From Children and Pets.
Use with care. For safety, work over a piece of foam.
Do not bend or twist the needle.
Store in a safe place when not in use.
For ages 8 & over.

Have fun felting!

*We're using the same needles on most of our projects, so we'd love to put up some supply for people who wants to try it!